Thursday, February 17

Oh, For F***'s Sake

This guy was so interested. He was super-interested*. So why hasn't he asked me out yet? Because guys are douche-baggy, follow-the-shiniest-thing-in-front-of-their-face, selfish liars.

Do not hassle me long enough to get me interested and then fall off the face of the planet.

At this point, I understand that the moment between us has vaporized. I still feel this driving force inside me to ask him what the hell happened. You're not allowed to be all about me for-like-ever, then forget about me! This does not follow appropriate protocol!

I demand a closing statement. How about:
"I'm sorry. Bad timing. I just hooked up with my slutty ex again."
"I was never really that into you. I was just bored."
"I was lying. Oops."
"I win! I got you to think I was a good guy! Tricked you, bitch!"

Can I send him a reprimanding email? Is that out of line? I've been stifling the impulse for a week but a snarky cloud of moral shaming is hovering above me.

*his words


Kristin said...

I say go for it! You've taken some time to think about it, and honestly, what's the worst that's likely to happen, he thinks you're a bitch? He's already not wooing you, who cares if some guy who for whatever reason isn't that into, becomes /less/ into you because you call him out on his bullshit.

Maybe he'll think before doing that to the next girl.

And if not, you'll still be giving yourself the closure he was too much of a puss to give you himself.

Allison said...

I like you, Kristin. You're quite smart. I need closure!

Anonymous said...

Extremely late in replying, but I like you, too, Allison. I feel like you're fighting the good fight, while I'm sitting on the sidelines, occasionally dipping a toe in the dating scene, but not committing to actually meeting new people.

Allison said...

Meeting new people isn't always easy, especially when there's the pressure of potential love. I heartily support taking breaks and pursuing other things. I think when you're focused on other stuff, that's when it happens anyway. Right?