Thursday, February 24

Dating As We Know It Doesn't Work

Just browsing some blogs and I found a very intriguing title, "How to Make Dating Work for You". Yeah, boy! I want some of that!

The dating scene doesn’t work. Wayne Dyer said, “We don’t get what we want, we get who we are.” When singles meet, they don’t really see each other, they talk but don’t feel heard, reach out but don’t feel connected.

 So that's why I'm so sick of dating! There's so much judging and pretending and chest-puffing and analyzing you don't actually get to know someone. There's no real friendly acceptance and openness, it's just a big test--that doesn't work!

Then I read this part:

Wanting and having can’t exist in the same space. You need to be able to move out of wanting into having in order to manifest a relationship.

Ah-ha. So I can't really make dating work, it happens when I don't plan for it. Well, ain't that the truth.

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