Thursday, August 5

Profile No-No: So You Have To Try A Little

This guy has close to no motivation. "Cutting wood" may be the most insightful piece of information he offers. The magic happens when he mentions "dirty mags". 

My Self-Summary
i joke around a lot and work

What I’m doing with my life

working 2 pay bills

I’m really good at

cutting wood

The first things people usually notice about me


My favorite books, movies, music, and food

dont have ne

The six things I could never do without

my dogs dirty mags shower family job and money

I spend a lot of time thinking about


On a typical Friday night I am

at the bar

The most private thing I’m willing to admit

not sure

You should message me if

if u want 2


Anonymous said...

Punctuation humor:

The six things I could never do without:
my dogs dirty mags shower family job and money


The six things I could never do without my dogs: dirty mags shower family job and money

Ok, well, it made me laugh, because I read it as v2 at first, and even though I'm familiar w/ OkC's profile, I was confused why someone would be "doing" dirty mags with his dogs.

Allison said...

hahahahaha Correct grammar definitely helps avoid confusion. Case in point.