Tuesday, August 3

Finding A Hot Sweetheart

Why are we attracted to assholes and not nice guys? HmmmmMMMMMM?!

It  has been a recurring pondering of mine: if faced with the choice, would I choose jerk or sweet? I've always said sweet... but what if you were really attracted to the jerk? It's hard to confront the truth about someone, especially if there's chemistry. Even if he's not a full-on double jerk all the way across the sky, if he's just not that into you... well, that's not so great either.

There's a balance that needs to exist between two individuals. A balance of attractiveness, intelligence, confidence, attentiveness, and attraction. You need to be just as into a dude as he is into you. Is it possible? Maybe not exactly but it should come close and it never hurts for the guy to be just a little bit more into you. I've had a miserable time finding this balance. Boo.

The guys who just aren't that into me are assholes and the guys that I'm not into are nice. I want someone in between: a hot sweetheart. Finding one is causing me trouble. Is this a problem for anyone else?

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