Tuesday, May 14

Friends Help Broken-Up Friends

Friends are great.

I love when they're concerned for you. I love when they pay so much attentiont to me! I love that nice thing friends do when they stop what they're doing and look at you and want to know how you're really doing but don't really say that. They just sort of stare into you in a nice way and radiate love and stuff.

Friends also like to do things like right after you break up with someone they are ready to imagine you with just about any guy. Any person who looks like a male who has teeth and some hair and knows how to speak in sentences and who appears to be no more than 20 years older or younger than you has full potential to be your "rebound". And after you say, "Really, Mary? Are you serious? Are you being legitimately serious right now? You're not fucking with me?" You friends always look at you and go, "What? Whaaat?? I was just trying to set you two up!"

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