Thursday, April 15

Is He Single?

How do you know if the guy you're interested in is actually single?

Sigh. You learn how to tell when someone is lying.

Story: I met a guy in Texas a few months ago; a sweet, charming, sexy guy who couldn't quite manage to get the good from me came close enough to seem single. After some innocent facebook stalking* upon my return home, I realized he was attached. Oops.

So what about online? I imagine it's harder to tell. You can't read body language through emails or chatting. Yahoo is spotlighting an article right now on this very topic, if you're interested... 5 Signs You May be Dating an E-Cheater

People cheat sometimes. Sometimes they convince themselves it's not cheating. Sometimes they only  convince the ones they're wooing. If a dude wants to lie, he will. My advice: trust your gut. But don't let that stop you from taking risks. If he's cheating, you'll find out eventually. Maybe you'll even learning something. Then I can put it in my blog.

*That's right: stalking can be innocent.

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