Monday, March 22

Story Time: Getting Hit On

Mostly, I enjoy getting hit on. Mostly, they make for fun stories. The following are my most recent/favorite.

Last week the fed-ex guy told me I had gorgeous eyes. He also noted that I was "all alone" in the back room. I felt uncomfortable.

A few days previously, a high schooler (presumably) yelled out, "Nice ass!" while biking by on his low-rider. He biked away too fast for me to shout, "Thanks!" and wave. Or maybe the appropriate response was to scoff?

My favorite hitting-on story was a mid-run attempt. I was jogging the dam, passing fellow humans without much more than a smile or a nod when I was caught unawares. He let me walk by, casual as can be. I thought the clomping behind me was my imagination until I realized that the clomping wasn't my imagination. The clomping was coming from a work-booted, spritely young gentleman jogging to my immediate left. I can't remember if it was only a few seconds or 30 before I removed my earbuds but I know the conversation had started without me. He was somewhere into commenting on the length and natural arc of my stride when I could finally understand him. He asked me why I ran. I'm not sure what he was expecting but I said I liked it and it kept me in shape. Why he found that surprising I may never understand. One comment led to another and eventually he deemed a formal introduction appropriate: I found myself shaking hands while jogging. It was awkward and kind of annoying, actually. He was ballsy, though. I'll always respect a guy with balls.


Rach said...

Great stories! I was honest to blog laughing!
When I read the title I thought you were saying that you were hit on during Story Time at the library (but these are by far not stories to tell children... just yet).

Allison said...

Do you have any stories to share, Rach??

yumyumdelish said...

Men are literally running after you. Love it. I was hit on by a DHL guy once, wonder what it is about the shipping dudes? Maybe they figure they are all over the map and the likelihood of being back is small so if they get turned down, no biggie?