Sunday, May 22


I love this.

This photo is today's post from The Sartorialist.
The following text was included from the owner of the photograph:
This is a photo of my maternal grandparents, taken while they were dating in the late 1940's.  -Beca

Saturday, May 21

Letting Go

I dreamed of an old flame last night. Mmmm, actually it was more of a haunting. It was mostly sweet and nostalgic, until the end: I was looking down at this man who once held me, holding another woman.

Having a partner, I think, is one of the most wonderful parts of life. The support and the secrets and the feeling that his body is yours. What a painful process it is, recognizing when it's over and letting him go. Time and distance can heal that wound but how much time does it take?

How do you cope with the loss of a love?

Wednesday, May 11

Do Long Distance Relationships Work?

I've never been in a long distance relationship. I've never been tempted by it's lures either. In my head, I don't think it works off the bat. If it's a temporary sort of situation that arises after a couple has a solid thing going on, then I could get behind it. This site got me thinking about it, anyway!

Monday, May 9

Boys Like Bikes

I went to a bike co-op today! For the first time. Sigh. New things are so invigorating. I just bought my very own bike yesterday and it needs some tuning up. She's beautiful, by the way--an old blue Schwinn Mirada. Underneath the dust and cobwebs, through the grime, she's hiding some magic.

As it is, she's got a few more things to fix than I anticipated. She wasn't ready to go after today's work. I'm not complaining. It means I can go back to the shop on Wednesday! The hour and a half I spent working at the bike co-op was pretty amazing. Not only did I learn things about bikes and meet new people and see a whole new world but I was surrounded by manliness. Grease, country and reggae music, old machine parts, sarcasm. I love boys.

If you're looking for boys: remember that boys like getting dirty and taking things apart and fixing things and going fast and hanging out doing useful/fun things. Boys like bike shops!

photo link here

Thursday, May 5

I've Moved West!

I have moved to a land of man-plenty! A land so fraught with attractive and brutish men that the dying candle in my heart (exaggeration) is burning bright again! Outdoorsy, mountain mannish boys! Hopefully without girlfriends! And with a desire to commit! To me!

Mountain men: please form a single file line and I will get to you all in due time. (Requisites: You must be at least 6 feet tall and own an automobile with 4 wheel-drive)

Artwork by Kenneth M. Freeman. See his work here.