I went to a bike co-op today! For the first time.
Sigh. New things are so invigorating. I just bought my very own bike yesterday and it needs some tuning up. She's beautiful, by the way--an old blue Schwinn Mirada. Underneath the dust and cobwebs, through the grime, she's hiding some magic.
As it is, she's got a few more things to fix than I anticipated. She wasn't ready to go after today's work. I'm not complaining. It means I can go back to the shop on Wednesday! The hour and a half I spent working at the bike co-op was pretty amazing. Not only did I learn things about bikes and meet new people and see a whole new world but I was surrounded by manliness. Grease, country and reggae music, old machine parts, sarcasm. I love boys.
If you're looking for boys: remember that boys like getting dirty and taking things apart and fixing things and going fast and hanging out doing useful/fun things. Boys like bike shops!
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