The internet is an incredible tool for research. Sometimes though, research is the last thing you should be doing. By research of course, I'm referring to googling a special someone's name and perusing their Facebook photo albums. Danger, Will Robinson, Danger.
Why? Why did I do that?! WHYYYY!? Now I have the image of a man with a donut around his middle and receding hairline and doofy grin with his arm around a girl who's shorter but rounder than him. This is not the man I thought I was talking to. I am superficial and these judgments are not fair. I'm not a model. Maybe my pictures paint me differently, too.
My point: it's dangerous to draw a picture of someone from their photographs. The best qualities in a person usually don't translate well in a photograph.
Side point: I hate dating. Looking for potential suitors actually makes me a worse judge of character. Instead of allowing everyone into my life, I tend to weed people out before I know them! If I'm meeting people with the idea they might become lovers, there are restrictions that suddenly apply where if they were just friends, I would be so much more open. Dating is oppressive.