Saturday, August 28

How Not to Message a Match: Lame Fest

I have not had a conversation with this guy before. He messaged me a few days ago saying something like, Why haven't you replied to my hellos? Will you say hi this time? Below is just a continuation of his lameness: a total lame fest.

Surprisingly, conversations like the following one are rather common. How do guys get like this? Do they think it's cute? Is this humor supposed to compensate for his lack of good looks? Because he's not even attractive. Yeah. He's not even a guy I'd want to look at, let alone provide alcohol to.

C: you should go to manchester
C: and call me

C: and, uh, buy be a drink lol. i have no money

Me: wow. probably not going to do that.

C: i know! no one will!
C: it's not going to be a fun night for me

Me: sorry

C: I bet!
C: you sound really sympathetic

Me: sorry

C: sorry

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